IndeeLift People Picker Upper Human Floor Lift FTS-400
IndeeLift’s line of human floor lifts are specifically designed to pick people up safely from the floor. Our patented family of products address the growing need to help people up from the floor avoiding further injury to the fallen or those who care for them.
The HFL-400-FTS (Floor-to-Stand) is a Human Floor Lift designed for self or assisted operation in the home or business. This appliance can lift a person up to 400 pounds (181kg) from the floor or a seated height to a standing position without risk of injury to the fallen or anyone assisting them.
The HFL-FTS lift can be used to lift a person from the floor, wheelchair, commode, couch, or any other place a user may be seated and need assistance to get to a standing position. HFL-FTS lifts are also configured to raise the user from a standing position at the floor to assist in getting onto a bed or gaining access to higher locations in the home without having to climb a stepladder, along with other places that a mobility challenged user may need to access.
Personal Human Floor Lifts (HFL’s)
Personal Human floor lifts are designed to lift people from the floor to a to a normal chair height, allowing them to stand or transfer with the least amount of effort.
The IndeeLift family of HFL’s are designed to meet the recommendations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The raised-seat height is based on the need to stand with minimal effort for the mobility challenged, whether elderly, disabled, injured or in rehabilitation. Direct transfer is accomplished by setting the seat 1-2 inches above the wheelchair allowing lift-free sliding on to most wheelchairs.
HFL Features/Functionality:
Seated Lifts
The IndeeLift FTS is primarily designed to raise a seated person from the floor, or any level above the floor, to a height that allows the user to stand directly up or to be transferred as required.
For those who are able to walk away once they are on their feet, the FTS lifts the user to a seated level and then, as the lifting continues, the seat tilts forward allowing the transfer of the user’s weight to their legs at a comfortable level as dictated by the height of the specific user. The FTS has been designed and tested to work with individuals of any height up to 6’4.
For users with less mobility, the transfer directly to a wheelchair or power chair is accomplished by raising the seat height to about 21” (53 cm), which allows a height difference of 1-2 inches (2.5-5cm) for lift-free transfers from most seated positions or whatever height will allow a gravity-assisted transfer.
Use as a Standing Lift
A secondary function of the FTS is to provide lift assistance to a standing person needing a little lift to access a bed or some tall cabinets or the shelf in the closet at home or the office.
The FTS provides users a method to be lifted while standing, to a safe level 12-14 inches from the floor. This application can assist the user onto a bed that may be the perfect height to get up from but too tall for the user get up onto. This function can also assist where single or dual step level changes may need to be overcome in the home or office.
Small Footprint and Easy Portability
The FTS is a portable lift that is rolled around on wheels like a traditional dolly. The small footprint allows it to be positioned in many places other lifts simply cannot go. With a turning radius of 34” (86 cm), the FTS can go just about anywhere including most small bathrooms and hallways.
Mounting Ramp Seat-Tilt
The FTS patented design includes a mounting ramp seat that eliminates the need to ever “lift” a person manually and a tracking function that allows the seat to shift forward as the user is lifted and shifting their weight onto their legs. A user on the floor either scoots onto the lift using the front ramp or they can tilt up onto the seat. The FTS seat plate can either be locked in a stationary position or unlocked to allow the seat plate to rotate forward to allow a user to get to a standing position. Two locking tabs are located at the rear of the seat plate, one on each side of the main vertical column.
Wired Remote
The wired remote has a 5’ (1.5m) retractable cord, allowing the user or a helper to operate the lift. The wired remote has physical, easy-operate button controls that indicate the up and down functionality. The wired remote is stored on the FTS’s handles with the hanger clip.
Adjustable and/or Removable Rise-Assist Handles
The rise-assist handles have been engineered to provide leverage for the seated party to assist in the process of standing once they are up from the floor. The arms can swing away from the seat when needed. They are also removable to allow for mount assistance or a direct transfer to a wheelchair or other destination.
Rechargeable Battery
The FTS comes standard with a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery pack and charging unit. Charging is accomplished by plugging the charging unit’s AC power cord into a standard AC wall power outlet, (see Preparing the HFL- 400-FTS for use on Page 8). A full charge takes about eight hours. The control system will provide a beep tone when operated and batteries are in need of being charged.
The Problem
Mom and Dad live together and one of them starts to fall and is unable to get up on their own. As they age together Mom and Dad are not able to pick each other up. When one of them falls they have to get help from outside of the home. Family, neighbors, friends and emergency services aka the fire department have to be called for assistance. Sometime later, help arrives to pick the fallen person up from the floor. Many times the fallen are injured more by lifting them than from the actual fall. More often than not, more than one strong person is required to get the fallen up. This process can take a long time leaving the fallen uncomfortably stuck.
Individuals living at home alone or “aging in place” have few good options when they have fallen and need help getting up. Friends, relatives, and neighbors can become overburdened with requests and a call to emergency services can result in a loss of privacy and personal dignity. It is also common for helpers to become injured while assisting the fallen individual.
The Solution
“The Human Floor Lift” or HFL was designed to lift a person safely from the floor without causing injury to a caregiver or the person needing help.
With the HFL, after a fall, mom, dad or a helper rolls the IndeeLift directly over to whoever has fallen, who then scoots onto the seat. Either party activates the lift and a minute later whoever was on the floor is now sitting comfortably, able to take their time recovering from the fall before attempting to stand or transfer to a wheel chair.
Independence, privacy and dignity are maintained along without having to bother anyone else with such a personal issue! The IndeeLift HFL turns what is often a harrowing, drawn-out and horribly uncomfortable experience into a private easily-recoverable non-event!
Who is the HFL designed and built for?
Aging folks whether alone or as couples with a desire to stay in the comfort of wherever they call home, who are mobile but have difficulty getting up after a fall.
The physically disabled, injured veterans, victims of accidents with lower extremity issues.
Those challenged with Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and other muscular and nerve degenerative disease who may be prone to falling with limited strength and the inability to get up.
Stroke survivors and their caregivers,
The HFL is designed to be used in homes, assisted living, long term care and residential facilities where people are generally mobile but want to be independent and able to get up after a fall without asking for help from others or calling for emergency services.
How Does the Lift Work?
An assistant rolls the HFL to the fall site.
The fallen scoots or tilts onto the seat.
Either party activates the lift, raising them from the floor.
A moment later the individual is lifted to a height from which he or she can catch their breath before moving off the HFL to a standing position, wheelchair, or other surface.
The People Picker Upper – For Home & Care
The Indeelift HFL-FTS Easily Lifts Mobility Challenged Individuals From The Floor To A Sitting Or Standing Position.
The HFL-FTS can be self-operated or operated with the assistance of a helper, safely lifting a person up to 30” from the floor to achieve a full standing position.
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